The Story of How We Got Here

Brandon and Ryleigh Trewyn

We have always been dog people, and together, we started with three dogs—two Huskies and a German Shepherd. Then we adopted a Lab that needed rehoming. He was cute, and we thought, why not? After that, we adopted our German Shepherd another German Shepherd because, obviously, he needed a friend. Our two Huskies were seniors, and eventually, Reggie passed away. Mishka became depressed and wouldn’t bond with the others. So, we decided she needed an emotional support Husky. We adopted another Husky from a friend—her name was Luna. He had her for about a year before we got her. She helped Mishka a lot, but just a couple of months later, our senior princess also passed away. Luna was then our only Husky, and she became very gloomy and depressed. So, since Mishka had passed, her emotional support Husky now needed an emotional support Husky. We searched everywhere for a friend to bring Luna out of her sadness, and that’s when we found Drifter. While our other dogs were rescues, Drifter was the first Husky we pulled from a bad situation before he had a chance to recover. He had just healed from a stabbing and was living in a small kennel with someone who meant well but couldn’t provide for him properly. He had suffered a lot, and when we saw his story, we knew he was the one we wanted to adopt. We loaded Luna and our two kids into the car and made a long drive to North Carolina to meet him. We fell in love immediately, and from that moment on, he was family.

Drifter inspired us to do more. His story melted our hearts, and seeing how truly amazing he was despite everything he had been through opened our hearts even more. We wanted to help more dogs find happiness and leave their bad days behind. So, we adopted a couple more Huskies—at this point, deciding we may as well have a whole Husky pack. One day, we came across a little guy named Memphis on Facebook. We contacted the rescue and decided to meet him. We drove 3.5 hours to the rescue, and when we got there, we ended up adopting two dogs—Memphis and Rone. That day, we also gained an unexpected friendship with Scarlett, the owner of Alma Husky Rescue and Outreach. What started as a few phone calls back and forth about the dogs turned into us wanting to go back to Alma to help. We helped by creating space… by adopting another dog. We kept in touch with Scarlett, and our friendship grew. Eventually, we started fostering for her rescue and volunteering when we could make the drive. Most of the volunteering I personally did involved stress management… meaning I created more stress with my overwhelming number of questions and ideas, leaving Scarlett no choice but to manage it. I practically forced this friendship.

We ended up helping her rescue and transport several dogs whenever we could. We admired Scarlett so much for her dedication to the dogs. She truly has a heart of gold and is one of the most amazing people we have ever met. She inspired us, and we were so eager to embrace the kind of chaos we saw in her life that we decided it was time to branch out and start a rescue of our own. This is the short version of how we got to where we are now. On the days it feels like we’ll never reach where we want to be, we remind ourselves that we’re one step further today than we were yesterday—and tomorrow is a new day.